Unassigned Findings

This article will go over what Unassigned Findings are and how to associate them with an initiative.

Unassigned Findings are those questions where you have selected Add to strategy, yet have not been associated with an initiative. Depending on if you've worked in the Strategic Roadmap and built Initiatives will determine if you have initiatives to assign a finding (question) to. As you build out your technology success practice for your clients a list of initiatives will appear similar to the example below.

Adding Finding from Review

Go to a review and click Add to strategy for a question. Typically misaligned questions needing some form of remediation are added as findings however, you can add any question as a finding so long as it is not marked as Internal use only.

The panel that appears will either have no initiatives listed in which case you'll leave that question unassigned until you begin to work on your strategic roadmap or you will see a list of initiatives. Select the initiative that best suits your question and click the Add to Strategy button.

You can also associate initiatives on your Strategic Roadmap. Click the menu and then select Unassigned findings. You will see a number badge indicating how many unassigned findings remain.

Clicking the unassigned findings link will show you a list of the question topics, the review ID, the title of the review, the date it was submitted by the CIO, and its status: Aligned (green check), Marginal (yellow triangle) or Vulnerable (red bomb).

Select the appropriate initiative (or create a new one) and click the Assign button. You can now begin building strategic recommendations - the specifics around the issues you uncovered during your review process.

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