2-Factor Authentication

2FA provides an enhanced level of security for your myITprocess account.

If you enable 2FA, you will be required to use this process each time you log in. Your access code will be sent to the email you use to sign in with and that code will expire if you do not log in within 30 minutes. You have the option of having the software send you a new code.

Please see below for logging in via your Microsoft account.

Please note: The ability to enable 2-factor authentication is only available to those users with IT Provider Admin level permissions.

To enable 2FA, go to your account (avatar) menu, select Account settings, and select the Security tab.


You can enable this feature on the Security page (Setup > Security). Please note: Once enabled this will apply to all users in your organization.

After enabling 2FA, log out and then log back in with your username and email.

After the login screen you'll be prompted to check the email you used to login to myITprocess for your access code. Here you can select the Remember me on this device option which will retain your two-factor authentication information. Please note: Remember me is device and IP address specific and is good for 90 days.



Log in via Microsoft account

Please note: Your Microsoft account/email address must be the same one that is listed as a user inside of myITprocess.

Click the Log in with Microsoft button.

You'll be prompted to select an appropriate account and then enter your credentials if you are not already logged in with those credentials.

The first time you set up the login with Microsoft you'll be asked to connect that account with your myITprocess account.

From here you'll be taken to myITprocess.

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