
This article goes over adding users and assigning them a role.

myITprocess keeps track of each user that accesses myITprocess for auditing purposes. Users are assigned profiles that are tied to permissions, or the amount of access they have throughout the site. myITprocess contains 3 default profiles however, an IT Provider Admin can add custom roles.

To create a new user:

  1. Click your account (avatar) menu and select Users.
  2. Click the Add User button toward the top right-hand corner.
  3. Enter the user's First Name and Last Name, provide a valid email with your company's domain, and then select their role from the drop-down menu. Please visit our article on Permissions if you require further clarification on the roles below.
  4. Click the Add button.

The filter in the upper right-hand corner allows you to search users by name as well as filter by their status, role, and their last login.


Click on a user to see more information about them:

Click the three vertical dots for more options for this user:


There are three default profiles to choose from, each with its own level of permissions:

  • Engineer has Full access to:
    • Engineer reviews (add new review, view all reviews)
    • Checklists (view all checklists, add new checklist)
  • vCIO has Full access to all of the above plus:
    • The above Engineer permission plus:
      • Standards Library
      • Clients and client templates
      • Strategic Roadmap
      • myITemplates
      • Meeting Mode
      • Client Progress, Summary, and Overview reports
  • IT Provider Admin has Full access to all of the above plus:
    • Manage permissions (roles)
    • Creating users
    • Manage subscription changes

Not all users have access to checklists as this is an area of the site from our legacy application.

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