Customer-Found Defects for Unitrends 10.3.X


Defects that were found by customers and resolved in 10.3.X-series releases.


The following article lists defects that were found by customers and resolved. Click a defect to view its associated KB article.
For a list of resolved security vulnerabilities, see KB1150.

Backup Copy (Hot) Hot backup copy jobs on version 10.3 appliances may take too long to complete
Replicas Windows replicas of GPT-partitioned assets may fail to complete restore jobs
Storage File descriptor leaks may eventually lead to space issues on the appliance
Upgrade Appliances with Unitrends cloud backup copy targets may fail to update
Windows Agent
Windows Agent Release 10.3.0-4
Windows Agent Failure to back up hard links may cause certain Windows applications to fail following bare metal recovery or Windows replica restore
Backup Copy (Cold)
Backup Copy (Hot) Hot backup copies may fail with the error message "Fail to approve pending copy request - Query to add"
DedupNT Migration  DedupNT migration may fail for stateless Unitrends Backup appliances using iSCSI primary storage
Disaster Recovery
Hardware Attempts to re-image a Recovery Series appliance from USB media may fail
PSA The default ConnectWise WSDL may be incorrect
Unitrends Cloud
Upgrade Kernel updates of Unitrends appliances deployed as installable software may result in driver compatibility issues
User Interface 
VM Instant Recovery  VMware instant recovery may fail as a result of VMotion issues

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