Remote Access

This Flexible Asset lets you capture all methods of remote access in one place.

The basic methods for remote access of a client network should fit in a single record. If you need to show other details and mappings (e.g. this IP maps to that internal device), you probably don't need to create several separate entries in the Remote Access list view, which could become unwieldy. Many partners have chosen instead to modify the Flexible Asset to include an HTML table in a textbox field. This covers any edge cases that may come up later when information is being entered.


  • Load the network attached devices in the client environment as configurations.
  • (Optional) Import or create a document with a procedure on how to access the VPN.


  1. Navigate to the organization you are onboarding.
  2. Click on Remote Access in the left sidebar and then on the + New button in the top-right corner.


  3. In the Create Remote Access screen, complete each of these fields below:
    • Site Name - Enter a descriptive name.
    • Remote Desktop - Enter a URL or hostname to connect to.
    • Client VPN - Enter a URL for client VPN access.
    • Webmail - Enter a URL for webmail access.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Attach any client VPN config files.
  6. In the Related Items section on the right-hand side panel, add as many of the below listed items as required
    • Firewall
    • Email Flexible Asset
    • SSL Certificates
    • Domain Registrar
    • VPN shared secrets
    • Procedure documents 
    • Relevant passwords for testing and troubleshooting

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