
The Applications Flexible Asset can give a comprehensive summary of every application used in a client environment, including cloud based, on-premises, client-server, and client only applications.

Keep in mind that on first pass it might be as simple as recording the application and version number. More details can be recorded later. From discussions with the key contact, you'll want to make sure that the Importance, Business Impact, and Application Champion fields are filled in accurately.


  • All servers have been entered as configurations.
  • Licensing and Vendor information for each application has been recorded using the Licensing and Vendor Flexible Assets.
Visit Account > Flexible Asset Types > Applications to ensure the available fields and drop-down options are in line with the information you want to capture.


Create one entry for every application you discover. Your discovery checklist should include the following sources:

  • Discussion with key contacts
  • Output from discovery reports - automated or manual
  • Previous provider's documentation
  • Browsing a workstation
  • Report from RMM tool if deployed
  1. Navigate to the organization that the application belongs to.
  2. Click on Applications in the left sidebar and then on the + New button in the top-right corner.


  3. In the original template design, the Name and Version are merged to produce the title, so keep these two details separate. For example, if CRM is the name and 2013 is the Version, this will produce an entry entitled CRM 2013.
  4. In the Create Application screen, complete each of these below fields:
    • CategorySelect the relevant (primary) category.
    • Business Impact - Describe what the impact would be if this application should become unavailable to the client. 
    • Application Champion - Search for and select one or more contacts. If necessary, revisit the Contacts area to create these individuals in your account.
    • Application Server(s) - Search for and select one or more servers.
    • Vendor - Search for and select one the vendor.
    • Licensing Information - Search for and select the license.
  5. Click Save.

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