Importing the IT Glue Library

Follow the instructions below to import the IT Glue Library. Topics include Service Desk, Service Level Management, and Change Management.

You'll find a number of types of Standard Operating Procedures in the library, including:

  • Process SOPs - Instructions for a group of people who perform all the activities for a single process.
  • Role SOPs - Instructions for one person or role within an organization.


  • You must have an Administrator role or a Manager role that has access to all organizations.


  1. Navigate to the IT Glue Organization that you'd like to import the library to.
  2. Click Documents in the left-hand menu.
  3. Click on the Import button in the top-right corner and select Library.


  4. Select one or more folders and documents by ticking the desired checkboxes. Then, click the Import To button.


  5. In the Import dialog box, select the folder to import to. The default view shows folders that exist in the current organization.
    • To import to a different organization, click Select a Different Organization. Search for the organization by typing the first few letters of its name.


  6. Select the folder you would like to copy the selected items to.
    • To import to the root folder of the current organization, click Documents under Select a Folder.


  7. Click Copy to complete the import.
Note: You can import the contents of the library as many times as you want.

For more information about the library, take a look at our blog post: Launching the IT Glue Library.

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