You can use this article as a checklist to find out why something you created in your PSA is not populating in IT Glue. For help finding out why something in IT Glue isn't populating in your PSA, see our Enabling two-way sync article instead.
With PSA syncing, your organizations, configurations, locations, and contacts should appear once the next sync job completes. Sync jobs are queued regularly, and the interval between them depends on system load. If something hasn't shown up after a sync job completes, some possible reasons are outlined below.
- You must have Manager or Administrator level access to IT Glue.
- Managers: You must be allowed access to all organizations, which is something your Administrator would set. Otherwise, you may not see all organizations unless an Administrator manually grants access to each new organization.
There are a few things you can check in IT Glue:
- The company in your PSA must have a type and status that matches your sync settings. To access your sync settings, navigate to Account > Integrations. From the Active Integrations screen, click Actions and then Sync Settings.
- Check the sync event logs for any errors in creating the organization (Account > Integrations > Actions > Logs). Look for an error similar to "Company with UID 12345 could not be pulled...".
- Check the Disconnected Data section of the Manage Data screen (Account > Integrations > Actions > Manage Data). If the missing organization is listed as disconnected here, it will need to be reconnected before it will re-sync in from your PSA.
Use the exact same steps used to find a missing company, but instead of the organization type and status, check the configuration type and status.
Again, use the same steps used to find a missing company, but instead of the type and status, check that the contact sync is active in your sync settings.
Look for errors in the sync event logs and check the Disconnected Data section of the Managed Data screen.