Standardizing your new hire procedures


This article explains the high-level steps for creating template procedures for setting up new hires and similar HR procedures.

Clients expect that when a new hire starts, a computer is setup and ready to go on the first day. That includes access to all systems and services that are used by the new hire to perform their work. This is one of the most visible aspects of the service you provide. An inconsistent or incomplete process will have significant negative impact on the client agreement.

Therefore, we recommend building your HR related procedures as generic templates in the Templates folder in your MSP folder hierarchy. After you have the generic templates in place, your team can copy them over to specific clients and create the perfected, detailed, and accurate standard operating procedures that have been tailored to each client's requirements.

Creating your templates first will help you create standardized procedures across clients and make it easier to onboard future clients.

High-Level Steps

Creating user accounts 

Include generic steps and screenshots for all of the following:

  • AD access
  • Email account - On-premises
  • Email account - Cloud
  • Remote access
  • Core application accounts
  • LOB applications
  • Licensing

Decommissioning user accounts

When someone leaves, there are many tasks that need to take place, and there may be discussion with the client about the specifics. Include the following questions:

  • Which accounts are being decommissioned?
  • When?
  • What happens to personal Server Share documents?
  • What happens to workstation documents?
  • What happens to the mailbox?
  • Who should have access to each of the above elements?
  • What should happen to incoming email, and from what date?

Design a comprehensive template to include steps that address the scenarios listed above. First action is likely to change all passwords before any accounts are decommissioned.

Building a workstation 

Phase One - Core build

The first 10-20 steps of any workstation build are the same for any client. Create a comprehensive document in your internal Knowledge Base which can be tagged to any client environment. This document will take a workstation from the initial unboxing to the point of being fully patched with all your standard security solutions and RMM agents as well as basic common software loaded and patched.

Phase Two - Specific build

This phase will be similar in each client, but specific to their environment. Create a template document with the following sections, copy to each client, then customize:

  • Install and Activate MS Office.
  • Install, license, and configure all required Core Applications - Use the Applications Flexible Assets as a checklist.
  • Install, license, and configure all individual Applications.
    Note: Refer to Application and Licensing Assets throughout this phase.

Deploying a workstation 

Thought often treated as an extension of the workstation build, this is actually a uniquely defined process. Also, it is commonly performed on site by a different team member to the build.

Here are the key steps to include:

  • Add computer to Active Directory Domain - Refer to Active Directory Asset
  • Create User Profile
  • Migrate data from existing User Profile
  • Configure printers/scanners - Refer to Printing Asset
  • Test All Applications, File Share accesses, and Printing
  • Perform handover to the end user

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