
These instructions will help you add and track vendors in IT Glue. There are two main approaches you could take to vendor management:

  • Add vendors as organizations via PSA syncing
  • Add vendors manually in IT Glue using a custom Flexible Asset


Creating vendors from a PSA sync

Use this approach to manage high-level company information about each vendor from your PSA, by entering vendors as accounts/companies in your PSA and then letting this information sync to IT Glue. For more information, see Syncing between IT Glue and PSAs overview.

The main benefit of this approach is that it provides a single common source of information about vendors across systems, including business locations, support phone numbers, account managers, and other key contacts.

After the vendor organizations are created in IT Glue, you can add more specific information using the pre-built Vendors Flexible Asset template, including the account number, account manager, SLA etc.

  1. Navigate to the organization you are onboarding.
  2. Click on Vendors in the left sidebar and then on the + New button in the top-right corner.


  3. In the Create Vendor screen, complete each of the below fields:
    • Vendor Name - Enter a descriptive name that will be easy to find in search or in list view.
    • Vendor Organization - Tag the vendor organization.
    • Account Number - Enter the account number.
    • Support Phone Line - Tag the support phone line contact.
    • Support Website URL - Enter the URL of the support page.
    • Account Manager - Tag the account manager contact.
    • SLA - Select the SLA from a drop-down menu.


  4. Click Save.

Now you have a listing for that vendor. Click to enlarge the screen capture:


Entering vendors manually

Alternatively, if you are familiar with creating new Flexible Asset templates, you can create a custom Flexible Asset and track each vendor there.

Before you can start entering your vendors, you need to create a new Flexible Asset that has a Tag field that will let you tag all clients that use that vendor, with as many or as few other fields as you want. To create a new Flexible Asset, see Quick guide for Flexible Asset.

When you finish creating the new Flexible Asset, go to your primary organization (your company), and create all your vendors. Once all of your vendors are entered, you will be able to access them from search and in the Global list views. The advantage of this approach is that all of the vendors are in one place and you have all the information you need for your own reference.

If you want to associate vendors with other assets, you would just need to make one small modification. For example, if you want to reference Microsoft from where you documented a client's Office365 subscription, you would need to modify the Licensing Flexible Asset.

To break it down step by step:

  1. Create a custom flexible asset template.
  2. Create a new Microsoft entry in your primary organization using the new template.
  3. Edit the Licensing Flexible Asset template and add a new Tag field that's associated with the new custom template.
  4. Go to Global > Assets to find all the clients that have Office365 subscriptions.
  5. Edit each Office365 subscription to tag Microsoft.

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