Merging duplicate organizations

This article explains how to merge organizations, so that all items in a duplicate (source) organization are moved to a target organization and the source organization is deleted.


  • You must have Manager or Administrator access to IT Glue.
  • Determine which organization should be the target. It's usually better to choose the one that is syncing with your PSA tool. If they are both syncing, then you'll probably want to choose the one that is syncing configurations, contacts, etc., to your IT Glue account.
  • If you are merging the primary organization (your company), make sure that the organization you picked as the target organization is the one set as primary. You can check this setting from Account > Settings > General.


  • Each item moved by this process will retain its security permissions, related items, attachments, embedded passwords, revision history, and activity logs.
  • Any of your users who had permission to access the source organization, but not the target, will now have access to the target organization.
  • Any assets that were duplicated after merging the two organizations can be compared and updated by viewing and editing the different assets and then deleting the one that is not syncing.
  • Important! Quick Notes are not merged, so please copy them from the source organization into the target organization before merging.


  1. Click Organizations from the top navigation bar.
  2. Find and open the source organization.
  3. Click Edit
  4. Below the Save button, under your PSA tool options, click Disconnect and then click Save.
  5. Click the Merge button (top right).
  6. Find and choose the target organization by typing its name.
  7. Click Merge.
Important! This action cannot be undone, so please ensure this is something you want to do.

After you merge two organizations, all assets are moved from the source organization to the target organization and the source organization is deleted.

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