Create a client-only documents area

This article will help you create a common documents area that is available to any segment of users, such as clients when they're logged in to IT Glue.

Keep in mind that clients can now be invited to IT Glue or MyGlue, but not both. MyGlue primarily solves issues related to providing safe password management with simple password sharing features for small teams and businesses.


  • You must have a Manager or Administrator user role.


  1. Create a new organization named something like "Common Documents."
  2. If syncing with a PSA, choose a type and status that isn't enabled for sync.
  3. Create a folder structure in this new organization that meets your needs.
  4. Edit each client user account and add the organization you just created to their list of allowed organizations.

After that's done, all common documents can be stored in this new organization. Your entire client base (when authenticated to your IT Glue account) will be able to search as usual and it will return document results from both their organization (if access is granted) and the new "Common Documents" organization.

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