Customize sidebars based on groups

These instructions will allow you to set different sidebars according to your user group requirements by hiding and showing items.


A Manager and Administrator role is required. 

Creating the standard layout

A standard layout containing any number and combination of sections and items can be created in a default sidebar. This layout will immediately propagate to any group sidebars in your account. Group sidebars are automatically created based on this template layout when new groups are added to your account.

  1. Navigate to Account > Settings. You will require a Manager or Administrator level role.
  2. From the General tab, click the Customize Sidebar button.


  3. On the next screen, leave Default Sidebar selected in the Choose a sidebar to customize drop-down.

  4. Nest and position items by dragging and dropping them to the far left column.

  5. (Optional) By hovering your mouse over an item and clicking Hide, you can hide any items that should be visible to Administrators only.
  6. When you're happy with the layout, click Save.

After that's done, your layout will be immediately visible in your account to all user groups. Note: Any hidden items will be hidden across all groups unless you customize a group to show some of these hidden items.

Customizing a group sidebar

The settings in the default sidebar can be overridden by more specific settings in group sidebars. Note: If someone doesn't belong to a group, they will see the default sidebar instead.

  1. From the Choose a sidebar to customize drop-down, select the group you want to customize.
  2. To hide items, hover over the item and click Hide. Note: If a mistake is made, clicking Show will add the hidden item back to the sidebar.

  3. Click Save.

That's all you have to do. As soon as someone is made a member of the group, they'll see the customized sidebar. You can choose to customize as many other groups as you want, or leave the other groups at the default.

Common Questions

What happens if someone is a member of more than one group?

When someone is a member of two or more groups, they’ll see a combination of everything that is set to "Show" on their groups' sidebars. For example, if you have an HR manager who is part of an "HR" group that sees a handful of items but that person is also part of a "all tech" group that sees a large number of items including what the HR group can see, the HR manager will see what the "all tech" group sees.

Can I reset the layout to the one IT Glue recommends?

Yes, you can reset the layout to our recommended layout using the Reset the Default Sidebar option. This option appears at the bottom of the screen only after there are changes saved to this screen.

Clicking the Reset the Default Sidebar option will re-arrange the layout of all sidebars, so if you've created sections and have your items arranged in a specific way, you will lose that layout. When you reset the layout, all core assets will be placed in a Core Assets section, and all flexible assets will be placed in an Apps & Services section. Any items you've chosen to hide will stay hidden.

Note that any changes to the default sidebar will affect the layout of each group sidebar.

Will hiding an item from the sidebar for a specific user group still allow those users to find it via Global?

Yes, users will still be able to navigate to any asset category using the Global > Assets view. If they click the Show All button at the bottom of the Organizations sidebar, they will also see all of the asset categories here. The ability to create a layout in the default sidebar only changes the layout of these screens; nothing will be hidden.

For example, the Passwords section can be hidden from your users' view on the sidebar, but they will still be able to view, add, and delete passwords (depending on their permissions) by accessing the Passwords section from other screens.

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