Passly Integrated Cloud Password Server


To get started with Password Server, you will need to give people access to the Vault Manager Role that has been created. Users in that group, as well as those in the Administrator Role will be able to Manage Vaults. These roles do not control which users can view passwords as that is controlled at the Vault level.

Password Policies

A password policy will define the password strength requirements when creating passwords within Passly Cloud Password Server. You can have multiple password policies which will be selected for each Password Vault. We have provided you with a default policy, however, you should ensure that the password policy you are using is appropriate for the level of security you require.

Creating Password Policies

To create a password policy, navigate to Password Server -> Password Policy. From here, you will be presented a list of all the password policies. To add a new one, click the + icon in the bottom right.


When you add a policy, you will be required to give it a name and define the minimum and maximum length of the password. You will also define how long that password should be considered to be good. The “Days to Expiration” field will serve to either present you a reminder to change the password or will trigger the sync agent to update the password automatically.

When creating the policy, you can also define the requirements for the passwords. This includes the four (4) checkboxes to require upper- and lower-case characters as well as numbers and special characters. Checking these will force those type of characters to be included in the passwords. Leaving them unchecked, however, will not prevent them from being included. Once you have saved your password policy, you will return back to the list.

Searching Password


Once you have saved your password policy, you will return back to the list.

Searching Password Policies

 If you have enough password policies, you can search them from the list of password policies. Navigate to Password Server -> Password Policy and click on the filter menu in the upper right. This will open the filter bar where you can enter a policy name, or part of a policy name and filter the list.


Editing Password Policies
To edit an existing password policy, find the policy and then click on the menu on the right and choose Edit. This will take you to a screen where you can view all the policy information. To edit the policy, click Edit on the top of this screen. mceclip5.png

Once you have clicked Edit, the policy will open on the right with all the same information as the Add screen. Update any information and click Save Changes.


Deleting a Password Policy 

To delete a password policy, go to the list of policies by navigating to Password Server -> Password Policy. You can delete a single record by clicking on the menu to the right of the policy and choosing Delete. You can also delete one or multiple policies by selecting the checkboxes and then choosing Delete Selected from the menu in the top bar.

You will not be able to delete the default password policy. You can, however, edit that policy.


Agents, within Password Server, will allow you to sync passwords you create or update in Password Server OnDemand to an Active Directory account. You will need to install an agent on each domain where you want to sync passwords. At this time, only AD accounts are synced and the sync will only go from Password Server to the Active Directory. If you also are using our Directory Sync agent, updating the password from Password Server will sync it to the Active Directory where the Directory Sync agent will pick up the change and update the account in Passly.

Installing Password Server Agents

Note: We support the following operating systems for this agent.

  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows Server 2012r2
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2019

To install an agent, go to the list of Agents by navigating to Password Server -> Agents and click on the + in the bottom right.


This will start the Password Agent Installation Wizard. The first screen is just an overview of the process for installing the agent. Click on “Let’s Get Started” once you are ready to begin.


Next, you will download the agent installer. You will want to download this to the machine where you will be installing the agent. System requirements are outlined on the page, so confirm that the machine where you will be installing is able to host the agent.


From here, you will install the agent on that machine. Once installed on the server, return to Password Server and click Next.


Give the sync agent a friendly name and click Next.
Note: We recommend naming the agent based on the friendly machine name where it is installed.


The agent is now successfully installed. Click Exit to return to the list.


Searching Agents

If you have enough agents, you can search them from the list of agents. Navigate to Password Server -> Agents and click on the filter menu in the upper right. This will open the filter bar where you can filter by the agent status or enter an agent name, or part of an agent name and filter the list.



Editing Agents

Since the agents are installed on other machines, the only things you can edit from Password Server are the name and status of the agents. To edit, navigate to Password Server -> Agents, find the agent you want to edit, and select Edit from the menu on the right.mceclip1.png

Once you have clicked Edit, the agent information will open on a new screen. Click Edit and update any information and click Save Changes.




Deleting an Agent 

To delete an agent, go to the list of agents by navigating to Password Server -> Agents. You can delete a single record by clicking on the menu to the right of the agent and choosing Delete. You can also delete one or multiple policies by selecting the checkboxes and then choosing Delete Selected from the menu in the top bar.


Deleting an agent will prevent passwords from syncing.

Password Vaults

A password vault is a container for storing and organizing your passwords within Passly Password Server. You can have multiple Password Vaults and these can be organized however you choose (e.g. by company / department or by type of password). You will need to create at least one vault before creating passwords.

Creating Password Vaults

 To create a password vault, navigate to Password Server -> Vault Manager. From here, you will be presented a list of all the Vaults. To add a new one, click the + icon in the bottom right.


When you add a vault, you will be required to give it a name and define the Password Policy for
the Vault.


Once you have saved your password vault, you will return back to the list.

Searching Password Vaults 

When you view the list of Password Vaults, you can search them from the list of vaults. Navigate to Password Server -> Vault Manager and click on the filter menu in the upper right. This will open the filter bar where you can enter a vault name, or part of a vault name and filter the list.


Managing Password Vaults

Managing Password Vaults includes setting up Folders, Permissions, and the ability to Edit the Vault Information.

Editing Vault Information

To edit an existing password vault, navigate to the Vault by selecting it from the list at Password Server -> Vault Manager or by clicking on the Edit option in the menu on the right.


Once in the vault, there will be four (4) tabs on the top. You will initially be in the Password tab which will contain the list of all passwords in the vault.


To Edit the Vault Information, click on the Vault Information tab.


Click Edit under Basic Information to edit the vault information.


Update the vault Name, Description or Password Policy and click Save Changes to return to the Vault Information screen.

Vault Permissions

To set permissions on the vault, navigate to the Permission tab on the Vault. From here, you can add Groups to the Vault and give them the appropriate level of access. Depending on their level of access, they will either have access to the Vault Manager to create/edit passwords or only to the Password Vault to view passwords.


Click Add Groups to add groups to the vault. Select the Group or Groups you want to give permissions. Once you have selected the groups, click Add Groups. Your screen will now have the selected groups listed for you to specify the level of permissions for each group. By default, they will have Read access. This is the minimum access a group can be given. 

Users with Read Only access will only see the vault in the Password Vaults area of Passly. Users with any combination of the other groups will also have access in the Password Server area of Passly.


Check the boxes for any additional permissions you want to give the group(s). If you give a group Admin rights, they will automatically get all the other levels of access. If you want to remove access altogether for a group(s), select the group(s) and click Remove Selected. You can also remove access to a single  group by clicking on the menu to the right and choosing Remove.


Folders are a convenient way to manage the passwords within a Vault. To setup Folders, navigate to the Folders tab on the Vault. Here you will see a list of any folders that have already been setup as well as the Default Folder.


To add a new folder, click on the green + button on the bottom right. This will open the Add Folder screen.


Enter a name for the Folder and click Add Folder. This will return you to the list of Folders. To Edit the Folder, click on the menu to the right of the folder and choose Edit.


Edit the folder name and click Save Changes. To remove the folder, open the menu on the right and click Delete. You can also delete multiple folders by selecting them on the left and then clicking the menu on the top right and choosing Delete Selected.

Deleting a Password Vault

To delete a password vault, go to the list of Vaults by navigating to Password Server -> Vault Manager. You can delete a single record by clicking on the menu to the right of the vault and choosing Delete. You can also delete one or multiple Vaults by selecting the checkboxes and then choosing Delete Selected from the menu in the top bar.


Note: Deleting a Vault will delete all passwords in that vault.


Passwords will be created within your Password Vaults and must comply with the Password Policy for that vault. Depending on the type of password, the data will vary, however, there will typically be at least a user name and password.

Creating Passwords

To create a Password, navigate to Password Server -> Vault Manager and select the Vault in which you want to create a Password. From here, you will be presented a list of all the Passwords already created. To add a new one, click the + icon in the bottom right.


When you add a password, the Password Type selected will define the rest of the data we require for that password. You can see all the screens here for the various password types. 

If the Password Type is Active Directory, you will have the option to sync the password and, if it is being synced, will need to define which agent to use for that password. 

If you would like the system to generate the password, in accordance with the Password Policy, simply click the Generate button next to the password field.

You can also define a time when the password should expire after being viewed. If the password is synced, this will be handled automatically between the Sync Agent and Password Server. If the password is not synced, however, we will add it to the reminder screen for an admin to see and know to update the password.

The Notes field is provided for any details about the password. Please keep any PII, PCI or other private data out of that field. It is NOT encrypted.











Once you have saved your Password, you will return back to the list. 

Searching Passwords
You can search for password from the list within the Password Vault. Navigate to Password Server -> Vault Manager and select the Vault. This will open the list of the passwords where you can click on the filter button to open the filter bar where you can enter a password name, or part of a policy name and filter the list.


Editing Passwords
To edit an existing Password, find the password in the list and then click on the menu on the right and choose Edit. This will open the Password where you can edit all the information. Once you


Once you have completed your edits, click Save Changes.

Deleting a Password

To delete a Password, navigate to Password Server -> Vault Manager and select the Vault. You can delete a single record by clicking on the menu to the right of the Password and choosing Delete. You can also delete one or multiple Passwords by selecting the checkboxes and then choosing Delete Selected from the menu in the top bar. 


Password Reminders

A password Reminder will appear based on either the password expiring or being viewed. Passwords which are synced will not appear as they are managed between the Sync Agent and the Password Server.

Viewing Password Reminders

To view your Password Reminders, navigate to Password Server -> Password Reminders. This is also the first page that will open if you just click Password Server. From here, you will be presented a list of all the Password Reminders.


From here, you will have the option to Edit the Password. Find the password you want to update and choose Change Password from the menu on the right. 


This will open the Update Password screen. Once you have completed your updates, click Save


Searching Password Reminders 

If you have enough password Reminders, you can search them from the list of Password Reminders. Navigate to Password Server -> Password Reminders and click on the filter menu in the upper right. This will open the filter bar where you can enter a Reminder name, or part of a Reminder name and filter the list.


Retrieving Passwords

For users who need to access a password, whether they have the ability to manage them or not, there is the option to view the passwords within the vaults or search across vaults.

Viewing Passwords

To view passwords, navigate to Password Vaults. This will display a list of all the vaults that are


Select the vault containing the password and you will see a list of folders in that vault.


From here, you can select the folder and see a list of the passwords.


To view a password, click on the mceclip40.pngand the password will be displayed. You will have the option here to either hide the password or copy it to the clipboard.


Once it has been viewed, this will begin the timer, if configured, to reset the password. If the password is synced, it will be updated by the sync agent. If not, it will appear on the Password Reminder screen. 

Searching for Passwords

To search for a password, click on the Filter icon in the top right. This will open up the Filter Bar where you can search for passwords by name.


Simply enter your filter criteria, and the list will be filtered, across vaults and folders to which you have access, to the folders that meet the criteria.









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