Adding LastPass to the Authenticator

Enable two-factor authentication with LastPass using Passly Authenticator Two-step verification

You can setup two-factor authentication for LastPass by using Passly Authtenticator two-step verification. Download the Passly Authenticator mobile app, install it and grant the application access to the camera so it can scan barcodes / QRCodes to add new applications such as LastPass, to the application.

Upon first activation of the Passly Authenticator, it will ask for authorization to access the camera. This is so it can use the camera to scan barcodes and Qrcodes from other applications that you wish to pair it with. 

  1. Log into your LastPass account go to the LastPass Vault > click Account Settings on the left menu > Multifactor Options.
  2. Even though we are going to be using the Passly Authenticator, click on the Action area beside Google Authenticator and select yes beside Enabled when the screen comes up.

  3. Select the word View beside Barcode, you will be prompted for your master password to confirm you want to enable this feature, then you will see the QR-Code used to pair the app with this site.
  4. Once the QR-Code has been scanned and the site has been added to the Authenticator, select the Update button to save the settings. This will bring up a prompt for you to enter in your first one-time passcode for the site.

  5. Once everything is updated, you will see that the app is now Enabled.

  6. The next time you need to log into your account you will be prompted to enter in a onetime passcode from the Passly Authenticator app.

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