Is SpotLight ID supported in application?

As of September 10, 2019, SpotLight ID has been discontinued, and Partner Affiliate enrollment pages will no longer be available.

Companies with existing enrollees in SpotLight ID’s personal identity monitoring plans will receive additional information on the wind-down of those accounts, and ongoing support will be provided for those customers.

For more information, please see the FAQ below. 

Why is ID Agent discontinuing the availability of SpotLight ID?
While we continue to believe in the value and importance of personal identity monitoring, adoption of the service was low relative to the development effort required to provide the quality platforms and services we pride ourselves on.

When will the End of Life take effect?
As of September 10, 2019, enrollment in SpotLight ID will no longer be available. MSP Partner Affiliate enrollment pages will be removed and no post-breach PIN codes for enrollment will be granted.

Will currently-enrolled SpotLight ID customers still have access to technical support?
As of September 10, 24/7 support will be provided by Experian to U.S. customers by calling 877-977-5556.

Will this affect any other ID Agent products?
Not at all. ID Agent remains more committed than ever to continual upgrade and enhancement of our core products, Dark Web ID™ and BullPhish ID™ and those products will in no way be affected by this announcement.


Originally posted at - END OF LIFE FOR SPOTLIGHT ID


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