Patch Release – 25 March 2020

The VSA release includes the enhancements and fixes described in the topics below. For minimum system and agent requirements, see these topics in the Kaseya R95 System Requirements Guide: Kaseya Server Minimum Requirements & Configuration and Agent Minimum Requirements.

IMPORTANT! This release requires agent version Be sure to update your Windows, Mac, and Linux agents after installing this release.


MacOS 64-bit Agent 

We are continuing work on re-architecting the Kaseya VSA agent to support both 64-bit and 32-bit  platforms, including Catalina. This initial release of macOS 64-bit agent supports Agent Status, Remote Control, and Audit (information like CPU architecture, network info, OS info, and user info). Additional capabilities will be added in future releases.  

NOTE: The macOS 64-bit Agent is a new agent that can be installed in addition to existing macOS 32-bit Agents. When installed, it will use a standard VSA Agent license. The macOS 64-bit Agent does not "upgrade" the macOS 32-bit Agent - each is a separate and distinct VSA Agent, and each requires its own Agent Package.

Features that are supported in MacOS 64-bit Agent:


  • Display a status icon for the installed agent in the menu bar. For the agent status color scheme see Agent Icons topic.
  • Enable/disable Kaseya Remote Control (KRC) by right-clicking on the agent icon.  
  • Exit the application by right-clicking agent icon and selecting the Exit menu option.  

Agent Package 

  • Create, download and install the new MacOS 64-bit agent package on managed machine through Agent > Packages > Manage Packages page.  To create a new package:
  1. Navigate to Agent > Packages > Manage Packages.
  2. Click the "Create" button.
  3. Click the "Choose An Agent Type" dropdown and select ‘Mac - 64bit’ agent type.
  4. Enter package Name in the Package Details field 
  5. Click the "Next" button.  
  6. Select the Existing Group and Group ID from a dropdown, then select the Machine ID 
  7. Click "Finish" button. The new Mac - 64bit package is added to the list of all packages on the manage Packages view. 
  8. Click the Download Package link next to your new Mac package. 
  9. Extract the .zip file and double click the agentsetup.pkg file in the Agent folder. Once the installer is open, click on the Lock icon in the top right corner and verify that the certificate is valid.  
  10. In the installer dialog, proceed through the installer using the "Continue" button and enter your password.  

The new agent is successfully installed and appears in the Agent > Agents > Manage Agents tab.

  • Update package from VSA to the installed agent. The new package will be downloaded and placed in the 'upgrades' folder. 


  • Audits cannot be scheduled on 64-bit agents in this release. The following information is displayed on Audit > View Individual Data > Machine Summary > ...find your agent ....
    • Name/OS Information
    • Network Information

Agent Procedure Editor 

This release includes improvements to the Agent Procedure Editor, introducing a new user interface and eliminating the dependency on Adobe Flash. The new Procedure Editor is displayed by default on the Agent Procedures and Service Desk modules.  

Some usability improvements were added, now while working with the new Agent Procedure editor you can: 

  1. Toggle the interface between dark or light mode, by default the editor, is set to 'Dark' mode. To change to the 'Light' mode use the toggle in the top right corner of Procedure pane.  
  2. Use the AutoSave option to ensure your work is saved. The AutoSave option is turned off by default, navigate to the top right corner in the Procedure Editor interface to toggle AutoSave. Your progress will be saved every 2.5 minutes.  
  3. Use a toolbar with commonly used actions to initiate quickly through a single mouse click. Error indicator in the toolbar displays errors that are present within the procedure. 
  4. View procedure properties and add documentation to your script in the description field within Procedure pane.  blobid8.png
  5. Double-click an individual line within the editor to spotlight the line from others to increase line focus within your script. blobid7.png
  6. Manage uploading files required for script within the agent procedure editor to finalize the procedure within the same session. To upload a file within the agent procedure editor, navigate to Procedure Editor > File > Upload File. See Creating / Editing Agent Procedures topic.blobid1.png

Kaseya Software Management 

We enhanced the Software Management module so a VSA administrator can now manage Windows Updates settings on all Windows versions supported by VSA. It is possible now to control Windows Update settings from VSA user interface and apply them to chosen endpoints machines. Improvements that have been done in this release: 

  • Added two new patch strategies "Only OS updates" and "Third Party Software Updates + OS Updates" to Software Management > Profiles > Scan and Analysis page. See Scan and Analysis topic. blobid10.png
  • Added the ability to import/export Windows Update Group Policies 

To export Windows Update Group Policies:

  1.  Navigate to System > Server Management > Import Center. 
  2. Click Exports tab, then click the New Export button. 
  3. Select Export Type "Software Management Scan and Analysis Profiles", then choose the profile. 
  4. Click the Export button. 
  5. Download the created export file. 

To import Windows Update Group Policies: 

  1. Navigate to System > Server Management > Import Center. 
  2. Click Imports tab, then click the New Import button. 
  3. Upload an XML file for import. 
  4. The uploaded import file will display in column.
  • Enhanced Scan and Analysis page to show only fields that are related to the specific patch analysis profile. 
  • Added an ability for the server administrator to apply and reverse Windows Update Group Policies and set them on all managed Agents 
  • Added an ability for the server administrator to modify macOS Update Configuration and set it on all managed Agents installed on machines with macOS.  
  • Added an ability to control following Windows versions: from 7 SP1 to 10, Windows Servers 2008 R2 to 2019.  
  • Enhanced Machine view in VSA to display all errors related to wgpClient.exe execution.  
  • Enforced the Native Windows Patch settings to ensure the patching configuration is consistent among managed endpoints.  
  • Improved Windows Group Policy form on Add/Edit Patch Analysis Dialog screen.  
  • Improved Add/Edit Patch Analysis dialog screen to display the comments.  
  • Added Configure Operating System Update Patch Strategy to the Software Management > Profiles > Scan and Analysis Profiles page.  blobid9.png
  • Enhanced Windows Group Policies and Automatic Updates sections to have expanded by default on the Safari browser.  


  • Added an ability to report up 100 custom fields in the report part Info Center > Test Audit > Machine Summary 

Database & Schema 

  • Added an ability to recreate views if views were missing during an upgrade.  


  • Now VSA Login page on VSA Server opens automatically through HTTPS after full VSA installation, re-installation, update or upgrade. To disregard this change, navigate to the System > Server Management > Configure page and uncheck “Automatically redirect to HTTPS at logon page.” checkbox.  
  • The VSA installer now checks for .NET Core 3.0 and fails to install if .NET Core 3.0 is not present.  
  • Added .Net Core 3.1.102 SDK version to the System check. See .Net Core SDK 3.1.102  topic.

Network Monitor 

  • Updated the installer system check for Java version installed on the machine. The installer will check if there is a Java runtime on the server. If no one is found it will install an OpenJDK version. If you do not have a license for existing Oracle Java, it is recommended to uninstall the Oracle Java prior to installing the latest Kaseya System Patch. See Java 8 topic.

VSA Core  

  • Added logic to handle duplicate machine names when creating a new agent.
  • Created a plugin to run VsaCheckPermissions.exe after clean or patch install. 

Bug Fixes 

Agent Procedures 

  • Fixed an issue where System > User Roles > Sample Procedures may have been visible via Kaseya Live Connect without permissions.  


  • Fixed an error where the user was not able to move an agent from one machine group to another machine group with the Operating System filter applied.  
  • Fixed an issue where the machine grid failed to refresh after the group/view filter was changed.  

API Framework 

  • Fixed an issue where GET /system/sessiontimers/tasktypes request was returning incorrect permissions data to create timers for Administrator Tasks, Service Desk, and Customer / Work Order.   

AuthAnvil/Passly Integration 

  • Fixed an issue where trying to reach the help pages in the AuthAnvil/Passly module redirected to the Kaseya R95 Documentation page 


  • Fixed an issue when the user grid in Two-Factor Authentication section was re-sorted and the ‘Required checkbox was selected for certain users after clicking the Update button, it applied to the wrong users. For now, this sorting is disabled.  
  • Fixed Two-Factor Authentication issue where the tenant user could submit invalid codes several times before getting an error message.  
  • Fixed Two-Factor Authentication issue where users were not able to login to VSA after the  "remember device" period has expired.  
  • Fixed an issue where users were able to login to VSA without Two-Factor Authentication by using the reference URL from Intercomm. 

BMS Integration 

  • Fixed an issue where BMS was getting separate tickets when the deduplicate tickets to off setting was not checked and multiple tickets/alarms were generated in VSA. 
  • Fixed VSA and BMS integration issue where clear sync configuration setting did not deactivate the integration module.  


  • Fixed a performance issue causing the active directory grid in Discovery to time-out.  


  • Fixed an issue with displaying the proper agent count being discovered during a discovery.  
  • Fixed an issue where large domains were not able to get Active Directory User's Information.  
  • Fixed an issue where the network scan was attempting to login to the guest account. 

Info Center 

  • Fixed an issue with Software Management Score remained the same even if the user changed weights. See Network Health Score topic.


  • Fixed KInstall issue where clicking back button in offline mode while the installer asked for package locations closed the application.  
  • Fixed an issue where KInstall was passing to the incorrect SQL driver string when it could not locate the registry key 
  • Fixed an issue where 'Fix It' button did not disappear after fixing the test on the System Check screen.  
  • Fixed an issue where funclist was not transferred if KInstall offline package was used.  
  • Fixed an issue where KaseyaSystemPatch installer failed to execute large SQL script. 
  • Fixed an issue where VSA failed to patch if transport layer security 1.0 (TLS) was disabled. If you have TLS1.0/1.1 disabled choose ‘option 1‘ from KInstall to run only the patch installer.

Kaspersky Antivirus 

  • Fixed an issue where false email alerts for the Kaspersky Antivirus client were sending.  
  • Fixed an issue where interrupted or non-completed recursive check deleted information from the database and labeled the install as "Removed by User".  
  • Fixed an issue with out of compliance errors for Critical scan start time.  
  • Fixed an issue where installation of Kaspersky Antivirus on Windows Server 2019 machine crashed the machine after reboot.  

Live Connect 

  • Fixed an issue with SSH that did not work if there was an active agent on the target Linux machine.  
  • Fixed an issue where selecting the Network Info link on Assets > Asset Info page redirected to the Computer Information page.  
  • Fixed an issue where icons were not displaying for agents with Status 'Online - user active', 'Online - user inactive'.  

Quick View 

  • Fixed an issue where users were not able to place more than one Wake-on-LAN (WoL) request using the Wake Machine button in Quick View.  
  • Fixed an issue when hovering Agent’s icon was displaying an error message instead of Agent information.  

Remote Control application (KRC) 

  • Fixed the issue with freezing in remote control sessions after upgrading to VSA version.  
  • Fixed an issue when Remote Control could still be running after a user was logged out of the VSA.

Software Management 

  • Fixed an issue where Software Management > Dashboard did not show the accurate vulnerabilities count on agents 
  • Fixed an issue with pending scan state was not reflected to user.  
  • Fixed an issue when multiple patches failed to install the same description for all errors appeared in the log 
  • Fixed an issue where using the Suspend option triggered an agent procedure to disable Window Automatic Updates.


  • Fixed an issue with Server Management > Logon Policy > Remove Users from 2FA enrolment dialogue was not possible to scroll down if there are thirty or more users registered for 2FA enrollment. 


  •  Fixed an issue where views belonging to other partitions were displayed for the administrator user role when Agents > Manage Agents > Share all option was selected.  

Known Issues with this release: 

MacOS 64-bit Agent  

  • After a new agent is installed the Last logged in User field is blank when it should show the proper value after user logout or re-login. 
  • The Agent icon doesn`t display in the menu bar after the user logs out through a VPN 
  • For a security reason in the latest MacOS versions you must be authorized to monitor the screen via Kaseya Remote Control (KRC). See the KB article on how to set up the security permissions: https://helpdesk.kaseya.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360006723178 
  • The macOS 64-bit agent does not support uninstall in this release. 
  • If the macOS 64-bit agent is installed with the lack of VSA licenses, add more licenses and then reinstall the 64-bit agent (no uninstall is required). 
  • The Agent Procedure Editor feature is not supported on macOS 10.15 Catalina in this release. 


  • Due to the latest Microsoft Windows update, the latest version of Microsoft C++ Redistributable package should be installed prior to installing KInstall on your agent. 


  • Due to the fix for the remembered device, you need to clear your cache and cookies once the patch is applied as a one-time event.

These issues will be resolved in an upcoming release. 






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