V November 21, 2024
Device Expiration Auto-Documentation to IT Glue
- The IT Glue integration will now automatically sync expiration dates for a range of hardware assets, such as servers, switches, firewalls, access points, and workstations.
- The Configurations page of IT Glue now shows Warranty Expiration and End-of-Life dates which are pushed from myITprocess.
Learn more — https://helpdesk.kaseya.com/hc/en-gb/articles/4437942613265-IT-Glue-Connection-Settings
Exclude Archived Assets from the sync
For an effective lifecycle management, IT Glue sync now excludes archived configurations by default. However, you can bring back the configurations to myITprocess through the IT Glue Sync Settings.
V November 12, 2024
Account Settings
Currency Selection
Users can now select their preferred currency in the Account Settings. This allows for a more personalized experience with financial data views.
EDR Integration
EDR Executive Summary Report in QBR
EDR Executive Summary Report is now available as part of the Quarterly Business Review (QBR). Users can access key executive insights directly within myITprocess, streamlining report review and decision-making processes.
QBR Report Builder
Editable Report Names
Users now have the ability to edit report names within the QBR Report Builder. This enhancement offers more flexibility in organizing and identifying reports, improving workflow and customization options.