Resetting a user's Two-Factor Authentication to access the RapidFire Tools Portal


Note: The steps outlined in this article can only be performed by Master users that currently have access to the RapidFire Tools portal.

  1. Log into the RapidFire Tools Portal as a Master user. If you are the only Master under your account contact RapidFire Tools Support to have your 2FA disabled.
  2. Once logged in to the portal, go to Global Settings > Users and search for the user account in question. Edit the user settings using the pencil icon to the right of the username.
  3. Uncheck the "Two-Factor Enabled" check box (see below) and click Save. A warning message will pop up stating that you are disabling a vital security protection for the user. Click OK to confirm.
    Note: This process cannot be undone. Once 2FA is disabled, it can only be re-enabled by the user in question. 

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