USE [ksubscribers] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[clearPendingProcedures] Script Date: 7/14/2021 2:05:05 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[clearPendingProcedures] AS BEGIN declare @EventInstanceId numeric(18,0), @EventScriptID int, @EventScriptIdx int, @EventAgentGUID numeric(26,0), @EventAgentName nvarchar(100)='', @UserName nvarchar(100)='', @EventScriptSummary nvarchar(2500)='', @ErrorMessage nvarchar(500)='', @ScriptSkipped bit=1 select @eventinstanceid = min(he.eventinstanceid) from hermes.eventinstance he join scriptassignment sa on sa.eventinstanceid = he.eventinstanceid where inprocess = 1 while @EventInstanceId is not null begin select @EventScriptID = ocs.scriptid, @EventScriptIdx =, @EventAgentGUID = ocs.agentguid from orgcalendarschedule ocs join hermes.eventinstance ei on = ei.orgcalendarscheduleid and ei.eventinstanceid = @eventinstanceid join scriptassignment sa on ocs.scriptid = sa.scriptid and ocs.agentguid = sa.agentguid exec Hermes.CompleteScriptEventInstance @EventInstanceID, @EventScriptID, @EventScriptIdx, @EventAgentGUID, @EventAgentName, @UserName, @EventScriptSummary, @ErrorMessage, @ScriptSkipped select @eventinstanceid = min(he.eventinstanceid) from hermes.eventinstance he join scriptassignment sa on sa.eventinstanceid = he.eventinstanceid where inprocess = 1 end end GO